Current Events
Together we can save Prattville and our Quality of Life

Please attend the Council Meetings
The First and Third
6 pm
"Growth in itself doesn't ensure that you have a great community. Being the largest doesn't make your citizen's quality of life better, doesn't make their education better and doesn't make their commute time better." Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle
General Information
Our goals:
Grow and prosper Prattville in such a manner we continue to enjoy the small town feel in a big town way.
Improve the school system and prevent overcrowding. The city and county must work together.
Support infrastructure to include roads, sewage, water and first responders.

Things you can do
Call and voice your concerns (Contacts below)
Show up at the Council Meeting
Tell your friends and family

The increase in traffic is a major concern. McQueen Smith Road desperately needs upgrading. The estimated cost is 18 million with no time frame for start or completion.
Autauga County Schools cannot accommodate more children. Prattville continues to grow but they aren't communicating with the County school system. The City can't fund a school system.
We must work together to grow our current system in a productive manner and hold the BOE accountable for those funds.
Water/Sewage treatment can't keep up with the added workload.
Water quality will suffer.
We need more police and fire personnel (first responders).
Community Life
The key to a healthy community is its level of sustainability. We have to grow everything together to continue the quality of life of our "Preferred" community. Otherwise, we will make the same mistakes as Montgomery.
There is a lack of transparency that causes distrust.
It's been over a year since Save Prattville asked for a new comprehensive plan. Action has been taken to update this guide for growth. Go to www.ProjectPrattville.com for details.
"The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts"
James Joyce
If you only have time for one, please call.
Call, text and email. We can make a difference.
Click the links to email or call.