Current Events
Prattville Government's Transparency Policy Not so Clear
Together we can save Prattville and our Quality of Life

Please attend the Council Meetings
Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday
6 pm
"Growth in itself doesn't ensure that you have a great community. Being the largest doesn't make your citizen's quality of life better, doesn't make their education better and doesn't make their commute time better." Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle
General Information
There was an amendment to remove an apartment procedural loophole from all R3, B1 and B2 zoning requests. It was recommended at the June Public Hearing and was passed by the City Council August 7th. See WSFA news link on the document page.
Silver Hills/Overlook has 1300 homes and approximately 3500 people and we all have at least 4 friends and family members. That's almost half of Prattville's population! We can make a difference and we can keep our City the preferred community!
The City of Prattville would like to rezone the area of McQueen Smith to Hwy 82/31. They presented this as rezoning for housing, but their plan is to rezone with 200 houses (smaller in size than the current neighborhood) and 300 apartments. Each homeowner's property value will decrease by approximately $25,000 or more.
"Research on the impact of rental properties in a neighborhood has been contradictory. ... Renters are also more likely to have less income than homeowners. An American Housing Survey in 2010 revealed that the median income for renters is $33,803, compared to the median income of owners, which is $70,441. In addition to the potential for lower property values and less stable income, renters in the neighborhood may be less willing to participate in the community because they do not want to make a personal investment some place they might not be living for the long term. The constant turnover of neighbors and presence of moving trucks can also contribute to a lower quality of life."
Have you noticed the heavy duty electrical poles that were installed on Sheila from 31 to Jay Street? These are for some new project. Care to guess the project? Did you notice the land clearing at the intersection of Sheila Blvd and Hwy 31? The rezoning wasn't even approved by the City Council when this took place.
The City is 62 million in debt. Ask about the 1.25 million loss the City incurred with the land for the new State Public Health building.
They did this to Pecan Ridge. They did this to Riverchase North. Now they have their eyes set on Overlook. When will they stop and is your neighborhood next?

Things you can do
Call and voice your concerns (Contacts below)
Show up at the Council Meeting
Sign the petition
Tell your friends and family

The increase in traffic is a major concern. McQueen Smith Road desperately needs upgrading. The estimated cost is 10 million with no time frame for start or completion. The funds are not available. The traffic in Overlook is another concern. The school wasn't here when future expansion plans were considered. Opening Jay and Amanda to McQueen Smith is dangerous for children at DPES.
Daniel Pratt Elementary School cannot accommodate more children. Prattville continues to grow but they aren't communicating with the County school system. We must work together to grow in a productive manner. This will be detrimental to the students at the Louise M Smith Development Center.
Water/Sewage treatment can't keep up with the added workload.
The planned sewage additions did not include this development
Water quality will suffer.
We need more police and fire personnel (first responders).
Community Life
The key to a healthy community is its level of sustainability. We have to grow everything together to continue the quality of life of our "Preferred" community. Otherwise, we will make the same mistakes as Montgomery.1800 homes are already planned for Glennbrooke. We have approximately 25 apartment complexes already. How many more homes and apartments do we need?
There is a lack of transparency that causes distrust.
It began with the items on the deceptions page above and continues.
Why must requests for documents go through the Mayor or a public records request?
The majority of these should be posted on the city website.
If you only have time for one, please call.
Call, text and email. We can make a difference.
Click the links to email or call.